Thursday, April 10, 2008

Late Night Post [repost]

DoubleShot (Coffee Company) had some Kona Coffee in, and you had to pre-order, so I had to get some. I've heard great things about it.

Brian, at DoubleShot describes it as this:
Traditionally, since Kona is an island coffee, it is very bright, clean, fruity, and delicious. You can definitely expect it to come alive in your mouth, especially if you drink it while it's still really fresh."

So, I thought I'd try some. I made a cup tonight and I really enjoyed it! Also, Jenni isn't used to (and doesn't really plan on) drinking coffee "black;" but I make her try one sip of every new coffee I get.

She usually grimaces and grabs for a cup of soda or water or something, but when I had her try this Kona, she didn't make any faces or anything! She said that she actually liked it. Now, I don't think she will always drink it that way, but is this a start of another coffee snob in the family? Perhaps!

So, if anyone wants to try a cup of excellent coffee, come on over! I'll make you a cup. But you can't add sugar or milk and you have to drink the whole thing. Don't worry, it won't be much (I don't want to waste it on you!).

Keep on brewing!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Snap! I've been wanting some Kona for forever but it seems like I keep finding out that someone had it after it's gone! Been getting my dose of DoubleShot beans from Stone Wood, since it's closer, but I guess I need to keep up-to-date on what Brian has to offer. Can you maybe give the CaffeineQueen a heads-up on Twitter if you hear that more Kona is coming in :-)? Thx!